Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 5: Grocery Store Regular

Finally Friday. The day of the week everyone waits for. The weekend is here and it's time to let loose. Some head to their local watering hole for cocktails, some head out to dinner with friends and loved ones. Unless I have plans, Friday usually means pizza and relaxing. Kicking back on the sofa and enjoying a couple slices of cheesy heaven as a treat for a healthy and productive week. Ahh sounds wonderful. But of course it will have to wait another few weeks. Instead I'm back at the grocery store. I'm starting to feel like I live here. Between Pinterest and random blogs I keep trying to search for recipes of things I can have and sending myself back to the store for ingredients.

Through trial and error I have found some good ideas and recipes and some not so good. I was super excited to try paleo carrot cake balls. According to the recipe, dates, carrots, ground almonds, unsweetened coconut flakes.
cinnamon and coconut oil were going to morph together into a delicious dessert. Not so much. While they weren't terrible, if someone served me a piece of carrot cake that tasted like that, I'd be looking for the trash. And that's exactly where these cake balls went.

On a happier note, I did successfully find a PB&J option! Plain rice cakes with the awesome peanut butter with maple I had already found, now topped with a raspberry "jam". It's not as thick as jam and is only sweetened with apple juice so it's perfect for the diet. 

Later on, I did have a mini breakdown because I started getting so frustrated. It's just food, but then again I *live* for food. It's hard to do much of anything without seeing reminders of what you're missing. After about ten minutes I calmed down and got it together. I've successfully completed five days. I can do this. Err... So I hope! 

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