Through trial and error I have found some good ideas and recipes and some not so good. I was super excited to try paleo carrot cake balls. According to the recipe, dates, carrots, ground almonds, unsweetened coconut flakes.
cinnamon and coconut oil were going to morph together into a delicious dessert. Not so much. While they weren't terrible, if someone served me a piece of carrot cake that tasted like that, I'd be looking for the trash. And that's exactly where these cake balls went.
On a happier note, I did successfully find a PB&J option! Plain rice cakes with the awesome peanut butter with maple I had already found, now topped with a raspberry "jam". It's not as thick as jam and is only sweetened with apple juice so it's perfect for the diet.
Later on, I did have a mini breakdown because I started getting so frustrated. It's just food, but then again I *live* for food. It's hard to do much of anything without seeing reminders of what you're missing. After about ten minutes I calmed down and got it together. I've successfully completed five days. I can do this. Err... So I hope!
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