Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day twenty: so close, but not quite.

One more day and I'm free. Well sort of. Then I'll just be introducing one food at a time. So even then it's a ways to go. Today I had the pleasure of baking a coffee cake and chocolate chip cookies. I was so ready to just say screw this and eat a cookie. The devil sitting on my shoulder kept telling me it was only a day, what's the big deal? Well it's just a cookie, but that's three categories. Dairy, wheat and eggs. Sigh.

Going to the movies wasn't so easy either. Popcorn. Simple popcorn. Nope! Instead I snuck in some apple chips and nuts. Not exactly the same, but it will have to do and I will have to try to not strangle my husband while he eats popcorn and mini pretzel dogs.

Manning up and enjoying my apple chips.

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